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Office of International Outreach and Partnerships


The Office of International Outreach and Partnerships advances internationalization at NIET by facilitating intercultural learning opportunities and fostering a global campus community

To advance internationalization at NIET by facilitating intercultural learning opportunities and fostering a global campus community

  • Lead best-practice efforts in internationalization with the goal to prepare globally competent graduates
  • Promote intellectual, social, emotional and physical growth of students and faculties
  • Help students reach their academic goals through international education and maximize opportunities for jobs and higher education
  • To establish and maintain a network with university/higher educational institutions overseas.


The Office of International Outreach and Partnerships provide specialized international study programs and internship opportunities that would enhance our students' academic and professional development and expand the students outlook in global community. The Office shall:

  • Develop international exchange programmes, short-term study tours at both the undergraduate and graduate levels to help students gain exposure to international education all across.
  • Identify and conclude partnerships with Universities/Higher Education Institutes that will allow unique opportunities for our students and faculty in global community.
  • Provide assistance and support for University nominations, applications, credit mapping, overseas internships and sponsorship opportunities that helps to create a more culturally diversified learning environment for students
  • To help students furnish global knowledge and competencies that students will need to perform in dynamic international market.
  • To promote the performance and reputation of NIET in international community
  • To increase exchange of students and faculties between NIET and university/higher educational institutions overseas for global outreach.
  • Establishing joint academic programs and cooperation in the field of joint research and conferences.