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5 years (10 semesters) B. TECH + M. TECH INTEGRATED COURSE 60 Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University AICTE

The five-year integrated B.Tech + M.Tech. programme at NIET in Computer Science & Engineering is the epitome of high-class specialization. Students are groomed by giving them a strong background in advanced studies in Computer Science & Engineering. The curriculum offers foundation as well as advanced courses on a wide spectrum of computing areas - Programming, Algorithms, Databases, Computer Organization and Architecture, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Distributed Systems, Artificial Intelligence, and Expert systems, Machine Learning, Software Engineering, Information and Networks Security, Cloud Computing, etc. Through six months of dissertation, students can either get conditioned for an R&D oriented career in the IT industry or pursue doctoral studies in Computer Science & Engineering.

  • Intensive focus on full-stack skills of a developer
  • Interaction with eminent industry level experts with live sessions focused on technical excellence
  • Builds a base framework with key skills on both B.Tech and M.Tech courses simultaneously
  • Leverages gained skills for better job opportunities
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