Imaginations are more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited,
but Imaginations encircles the world.
-Albert Einstein

- State-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities to support diverse research endeavors.
- Interdisciplinary research initiatives that address real-world challenges.
- Strong collaboration with industry partners, academia, and research organizations.
- Emphasis on nurturing a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among students and faculty.
- Uploaded all the R&D facilities received from Govt. Project funding’s in NIET on Govt of India`s Science & Technology Map (ISTEM) portal for sharing of R&D resources.
- Conducted training to all R&D coordinator regarding NIET Journal web pages update and Paper uploading.
- Conducted Training to NIET faculty members and students on “How to write the research papers”.
- Conducted Trainings for all HoDs on “How to apply for Govt. Funded Projects with website links”.
- NIET R&D Cell applied for Govt funds of amount 1 crore 7 lakhs to IIT Bombay and DST and DSIR in 2023-24.
- Trained all faculty members of NIET regarding Impact factor of Journals, “How to write SCI papers” etc.
About Us
The NIET Research & Development (R&D) Cell is a dedicated unit within the institution, aimed at fostering innovation, advancing research, and promoting development activities. Established with a commitment to excellence, the R&D Cell serves as a hub for cutting-edge research, collaboration, and technological advancements
- NIET ECE dept is organizing an Scopus indexed Taylor and Francis (CRC press) , DSIR sponsered international conference on Applications of AI in 5G and IoT in collaboration with University of Malta, Europe on 9-10 August 2024.
- NIET is organising 1st international IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Innovation for Sustainability - EmergIN' 2024 for Sustainability on 23-24 November 2024

HOD Message
Explore the Boundless Horizons of Research Excellence at NIET, Gr. Noida
Dear Students, Faculty, and Academic Enthusiasts,
I am
thrilled to extend a warm welcome to all who share a passion for
innovation, exploration, and the pursuit of knowledge. As the
Research Head of NIET, Gr. Noida, it is my pleasure to invite you
to embark on a journey of intellectual discovery with our dynamic
Research & Development (R&D) Cell.
- Cutting-Edge Facilities: Our state-of-the-art infrastructure is designed to support a diverse range of research endeavors. From well-equipped laboratories to collaborative workspaces, we provide the tools necessary for groundbreaking discoveries.
- Interdisciplinary Research: We believe that the most profound breakthroughs happen at the intersection of disciplines. Our commitment to interdisciplinary research encourages collaboration among experts from various fields, fostering a rich and holistic research environment.
- Global Collaborations: At NIET, we recognize the importance of global perspectives in research. Our collaborations with renowned international institutions open doors to a world of opportunities, enabling you to be part of the global research community.
- Student-Centric Approach: We are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of researchers. Through mentorship programs, research internships, and hands-on projects, we empower students to explore their interests and contribute to meaningful research.
- Your Gateway to Research Excellence: Whether you are a seasoned researcher or a budding enthusiast, the NIET R&D Cell welcomes you to be part of a community that values curiosity, innovation, and academic rigor. Explore research projects that align with your interests, collaborate with experts in the field, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
At NIET, Gr. Noida, we believe that research is not just a pursuit but a transformative journey. Join us as we push the boundaries of knowledge and create a legacy of innovation.
Mission & Vision
- Foster a vibrant research ecosystem that promotes curiosity-driven inquiry.
- Engage in impactful research that contributes to societal development.
- Encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange.
- Be a leading center for innovation, research, and development.
- Cultivate a culture of continuous learning and discovery.
- Contribute significantly to the global knowledge base and technological advancements.
Faculty & Staff
R&D Cell consists of 16 dedicated R&D faculty coordinators from each department working under the guidance of Director sir and Head (R&D).
Some Glimpse of NIET-R&D Cell Activities:
Date/ Duration | R&D Cell Activity (as mentioned in NIET Academic Calendar also) | Organized by | Resource Person | Time | Venue | No. of Participants | Target Audience |
13-08-2023 | PPT presentation to all HoDs on How to apply for Govt. Funding Projects | Dr. Himanshu Sharma | Dr. Himanshu Sharma | 10:30-11:30 | A-Block, 1st Floor | 8 | All HoDs |
01-09-2023 | Workshop Session on Research Paper Writing for Students | R&D Cell + Dept of CSE (IoT) | Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Head (R&D) | 3:30-5:00 PM | A-Block Conference Hall | 100 | NIET Students & Faculty |
12-09-2023 | Training Session for NIET Journal Paper Uploading by Ms. Sapna Rai | R&D Cell+ All R&D coordinators | Ms. Sapna Rai | 10:00-10:50 AM | B-522 | 12 | NIET Students & Faculty |
14-09-2023 | Research Paper Writing Workshop for Students | Dr. Pawan Shukla, HoD, ECE Dept & R&D Cell | Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Head (R&D) | 10:00-11:30 AM | B-522 | 100 | NIET Students & Faculty |
15-09-2023 | Session on Crafting Scholarly Excellence (Art of Writing Research paper) | Dr. Shahid, HoD ECE, CSE(AIML) & R&D Cell | Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Head (R&D) | 10:00-11:30 AM | B-Block Auditorium Hall | 200 | NIET Students & Faculty |
10-10-2023 to 15-10-2023 | Research paper Honorarium Team Member along with Dr. Avijit Mazumdar & Dr. Pankaj Tyagi | NIET Central Committee & R&D Cell | Dr. Avijit Mazumdar & Dr. Pankaj Tyagi, Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Head (R&D) | 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM daily | Director Pharmacy Office | 250 | SCI/Scopus Paper data analysis |
28-10-2023 | Presentation to Mechanical Dept. to Apply for Govt. Project Grants | R&D Cell & ME Dept | Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Head (R&D) | 12:30-1:30 PM | B-203 | 15 | ME Faculty + Dr Somshekhar |
03-11-2023 | Meeting on IQAC Data Headed by Director Sir+ IQAC Incharge +R&D Cell+ All R&D Coordinators | IQAC Incharge+ R&D Cell+ All R&D coordinators | Dr. Vinod M. Kapse, Director Sir | 9:30-10:30 AM | Board Room, Director Office | 18 | All R&D Coordinators |
04-11-2023 | Training Session for all R&D Coordinators to Calculate Impact factor & Citation Index for IQAC data | IQAC Incharge+ R&D Cell+ All R&D coordinators | IQAC Incharge+ R&D Cell+ All R&D coordinators | 9:30-10:30 AM | B-522, B-Block | 16 | All R&D Coordinators |
22-12-2023 | Intelligent wireless connectivity for post 5G Era | NIET-R&D Cell | Dr Suraj Suman, IIT Patna | 3:00-4:00 PM | E-502 E Block | 55 | All NIET Faculty Members |
22-12-2023 | Resource Management in Next generation Networks | NIET-R&D Cell | Dr Satendra Kumar, IIT Patna | 4:00-5:00 PM | E-502 E Block | 55 | All NIET Faculty Members |
A Report on Session on “Intelligent wireless connectivity
for post 5G Era” by Dr. Suraj Suman, IIT Patna
22-12-2023 at E-502 E Block at 3:00-4:00 PM
- NIET-R&D Cell organized an expert talk from Dr. Suraj Suman, Electrical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Patna on 22/12/2023. He visited to NIET, Greater Noida for a discussion on different Govt. Research Proposals, Opportunities for Masters and PhD from IITs and foreign countries. The Faculty Coordinator for this event was Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Head (R&D), NIET, Gr. Noida.
- Title of Activity: A Session on “Intelligent wireless connectivity for post 5G Era”
- Expert Lecture: Dr Suraj Suman, IIT Patna
- Date: 22-12-2023
- Time: 3:00-3:30 PM
- Venue: E-502 E Block
- Organized by: NIET-R&D Cell
- Target Audience: All NIET Faculty members
- Number of Participants: 55

Dr. Suraj Suman
Professor IIT Patna